This anthology cart started a year ago as an idea for an entry for a seasonal GB game jam made in GBStudio, but when I missed the deadline, I decided to use it as a vehicle to experiment with different game styles and to try some new things with GBStudio (such as a maze created on the fly using procedural generation!). I don't think any particular game is a knock-out hit, but I tried to make engaging games with distinct game play between them.

And so I bring you 5 autumn themed games in one! Information about controls in each game below, hope you enjoy!

Just in time for the Northern Hemisphere's colorful season, five classics we all remember! Originally launched as part of the ElectroParlor Games Seasons line of electronic parlor machines, these exciting titles are faithfully recreated for the GameBoy. Relive those Fall memories with Autumn Games!

Jack-O-Lantern Champions 

What's Halloween without a carved pumpkin? The first of the original Autumn Games series released in 1974, Jack-O-Lantern Champions thrilled thousands with a challenging memory game that's still accessible to kids and adults of all ages. Test your memory and celebrate Autumn now!

 Let's party! Wilmar, MN holds a yearly Jack-O-Lantern Champions competition on a dozen original machines!

 In-Game Controls:

Left,RightChange current feature on jack-o-lantern
ASet current feature and move to next. If on last feature, will end turn
BGo back to last feature

Corn Maze Craze

As those corn stalks grow tall, who doesn't love a maze in the fall! Corn Maze Craze, the groundbreaking entry in the Autumn Games series was originally released in 1976 to national fanfare. Prove your meddle in the maze!

Did you know? This version of Corn Maze Craze uses procedural software to create the maze, but the original electronic parlor machines has all 64 accessible mazes pre-rendered and saved on the motherboard!

In-Game Controls:

D-PadMove your player around the maze
StartQuit maze

Apple Pickin' Minute

Yee-haw! Autumn is harvest time and what's better than some time in the orchard? First delivered in 1974 (third in the first series), Apple Pickin' Minute was one of the first electronic parlor machines to feature a control stick for input, changing the platform forever. Relive the thrill!

Historical Connections! The designer of Apple Pickin' Minute, Norman C. Shplank got the idea after watching a video about Issac Newton at a museum.

In-Game Controls:

D-PadMove pickin' hand around the tree
APick the apple or blossom
Select/BGo to next tree

Turkey Hunt

Shhhhhh! I'm huntin' turkey! The first electronic parlor machine to use a photorifle, this as-faithful-as-possible rendition lets you relive the 1977 classic on the go. No turkeys were harmed in the making of this game!

What in the world?! Turkey Hunt was ElectroParlor Games' first game to be localized for different regions to match local hunting game, including Boar Hunt, Hare Hunt, and Antelope Hunt.

In-Game Controls:

D-PadMove sights around the scene
A/BTake shot

Leafer Madness

The colors of autumn are beautiful until they're brown piles that need to be dealt with. That's where a leafer with a blower comes in! Feel the excitement of clearing a yard of leaves with 1975's hit Leafer Madness!

Fun fact: The game was adapted into 1978's flop horror flick Leafer Madness: Fall to Death which pitted heroic leafers against ruthless swarms of bloodthirsty, razor-sharp falling leaves.

In-Game Controls:

D-PadMove the leafer around the yard
A/BUse the blower

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